Mazafati Dates

Mazafati Date is one of the most known Dates in Iran and it is the most popular one across the world. Iran is the major producer of Mazafati Dates in the world. Just like other types of dates, they are rich in nutrients such as vitamins, minerals, and fiber.

Mazafati Dates are dark, soft, fleshy, and sweet, with a medium size of 2.5–4.5 cm and moisture content of between 32 and 35%, varying with the time of harvest. One of the largest regions of cultivation and harvest of Mazafati Dates in Iran is Bam, Kerman. Approximately 120,000 tons of Mazafati Dates are harvested from the land annually. Mazafati Date palms can stay in production for over 60 years.

Mazafati Dates harvest is started in August and lasts till the end of October. Since they are not dried, Mazafati dates should be kept at a cold temperature.


Nutrition Facts (Per 100 gr Mazafati Dates)


261 kcal


52 g


46 g

Total fat

5.6 g


1.61 g


2.7 mg


27-70 mg


14 mg


53 mg




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