Piarom Dates

Piarom is a cultivar of the palm date tree originating from the south of Iran. Piarom Dates are cultivated in Hajiabaz, Hormozgan. They are big and long, with dried wrinkled brown to brown-black skin. They are fleshy and easy to chew and have a unique taste among different varieties of dates and due to their special taste and texture, they are one of the most expensive types of Dates. Another reason for them to be expensive is that these palm trees need specific weather conditions to grow, which makes their cultivation limited to special regions. Piarom Date palm trees are very stable in saline lands and do not need much water to grow.

Piarom Dates are considered one of the semi-dry date varieties. And their moisture content is less than 15%. Their average size is between 3.5 cm – 5 cm. The ratio of length to width of these dates is more than other types of dates.

Their harvest is done from September to October. Since they are semi-dry, they do not need to be kept in cold storage. You can easily store them at room temperature, but in cool and dry conditions, away from direct sunlight. Piarom Dates are sometimes called Maryam Dates as well.


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